Monday- no school
Art 1
Grid Drawings
-Abe Lincoln
Cartoon Grid- 2 major grades
*Students will divide a cartoon with 1/4 ” grid on top. They will measure off the 1/4 ” along all four sides.
*Next, students will connect the marks with a ruler and draw a line. This will create a grid across the cartoon.
*They will then label their grid a-? on the top and 1-? on the sides.
*Students will then measure off their large paper either 1 1/4, 1 1/2, etc grid on
the sheet of 12 x 18 paper. The size depends on the size of the cartoon.
*Next, they will create a grid using whichever size is best for their cartoon (remember to measure all 4 sides so that your squares are even)
*Students need to label their large sheet of paper so it matches their cartoon.
*Students will begin drawing square by square.
*Once, students have completed their drawing they will outline their cartoon in black sharpie, then erase their grid.
*Students will the color their cartoon grid with colored pencils.
*Cartoons need to staple their small cartoon to their large one.
Art 2
Fall Pumpkins
Students will Select several pumpkins to create a composition to draw on a large black sheet of construction paper. I have several examples that are uploaded in google classroom that they can choose from.
Students will select a photograph of an animal
*Next, students will draw the photograph, working out the elements of the composition and lighting
*Trace over their drawing on their scratchboard to make an impression of their image.
*Decide and experiment with the textures you will use within the different objects. Try the textures out on a piece of scrap board.
*Now you are ready to start scratching . Do not out line your image. Begin by building a faint values around or within an object with dots or short dashes.
*As you work you will gradually begin to build lighter values. Pay close attention to how the light falls on your photograph. You must establish a light source.
Art 3 & 4
String Art
*****You will need a hammer!!!!
*Students will receive a piece of wood 12×12
*They need to stain or paint the wood first
*They then need to decide on a design and draw it on a sheet of 12×12 paper. It needs to be a silhouette of the image. They may look on pinterest, google, etc for ideas.
*They will then tape there image to their wood and hammer nails along their design
*They will then string their string on their board.
****Need to bring a hammer
Supplies: colored pencils, worksheet, acrylic paint, brushes, drawing paper, , nails, wood, string, cartoons, magazines, glue
Resources: Computers, handouts, books, design pages
Evaluation: rubric
Modifications: Extended time of completion of assignment