Art Lesson Plans Sept 20-24

Art 1

Optical Illusion with Colored Pencil

Draw 9 vertical waves.  Waves should not cross

Draw a simple wave across

Use a thin sharpie.  Draw upward curves above the middle wave.

Draw downward below the middle line.

Every next curve starts at a previous line.

Alter the distance between the curves.

Color each section gradating color from dark to  light to dark.

Use an analogous color and apply same gradation pattern.

Use different colors for the next section.  Use your white colored pencil to blend

Grid Drawings

*We will discuss grid drawings and how they can help a student draw.
*I will demonstrate how grid drawings work
*Students will complete 5 grid drawings
-George Washington
-Abe Lincoln

Art 2

Value with White Colored Pencil on black paper

*We will use black construction paper and white  prisma colored pencil

*We will draw small pumpkins and draw them in values using a white colored pencils


Students will select a photograph of an animal
*Next, students will draw the photograph, working out the elements of the composition and lighting
*Trace over their drawing on their scratchboard to make an impression of their image.
*Decide and experiment with the textures you will use within the different objects. Try the textures out on a piece of scrap board.
*Now you are ready to start scratching . Do not out line your image. Begin by building a faint values around or within an object with dots or short dashes.
*As you work you will gradually begin to build lighter values. Pay close attention to how the light falls on your photograph. You must establish a light source.

Art 3 & 4-Due Friday

Illustration Pillows
*Students will draw out an animal or object they want to paint on canvas cloth
*Next students will cut the canvas cloth to the shape and size needed.
*They need two layer of material the same size
*Draw image on cloth and paint
*Once complete glue edges together except bottom and stuff with pillow stuffing
*Glue pillow closed

Animal/Human Eyes abstraction

*Students will divide a large sheet of paper 18 x 24 into 4 equal parts

*Next, they need to choose 2 animals with eyes that are recognizable, a zentangle eye of a person and then a colorful dramatic eye.  (one each will be in each section, the animal eyes should be diagonal from each other.

* They will draw each eye and 3 of the four eyes need color.  They may choose their medium.  They can use the same medium in all 4 or 4 different mediums.

Art 3 & 4 Competition Track

Begin sketching and working on ideas for our 1st competition for the Fort Worth Stock Show Art Contest.

**Remember there is a theme that has to be incorporated how in the design

Supplies: rulers, worksheets, white prisma colors, black construction paper, paint, brushes,canvas cloth, pillow stuffing, cloth glue, sharpies

Resources: Ipad, handouts, books, design pages
Evaluation: rubric

Modifications: Extended time of completion of assignment

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